Wendy Undazan


Welcome to my website, the Home of Silk Art painting.

I am an Artist who is inspired by Nature's miraculous intricacies and hope that my paintings convey my sense of wonder.

Visit my Gallery to gain a flavour of my paintings and then enjoy their beauty by visiting my 2018 Exhibition.



About Wendy Undazan



Throughout my life I have travelled extensively in the USA, China, Japan, Singapore, Europe, Iceland and South Africa, where I lived for 2 years.

My creative talent manifested itself at the age of two when I first picked up a paintbrush! Over the years I have experimented with most art medium and first discovered silk painting thirty years ago when I worked as a commercial art buyer for a Japanese firm based in the UK.


I am at my happiest when I am creating and having “a good light day!”. I love open spaces and they inspire me to break down their complexity.

It’s all about exulting nature, celebrating light and colour and exploring the notion of space and scale.

About the Art

Why silk painting? Fluidity and purity of colours are very important to me. Most of my paintings are 4ftx3ft and by definition the images are larger than life.

Silk is a luxuriously pure material that brings images to life with joyful luminosity.



  • 2019

  • Contemporary Art Fairs – 2018

    Saturday 10th November until Sunday 11th November 2018
    (10am – 6pm Saturday, 10am – 5pm Sunday)
  • Leith Hill Place - 2017

    Friday 24th March until Monday 1st May 2017
    11-00 until 17-00 hours

    (Friday to Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays)

  • Cumberland Lodge - 2015

    January to March 2015



Daniel Gask

Art Framers

Leith Hill Place


Gary Fielder


Miles Timoney

Web Designer

Paul Hickman

Digital Printer

Contact Us

If you would like to stay in touch and receive my updates please send your name, e-mail address and mobile phone number to wonder@undazan-art.com


If you would like to enquire about purchasing one of my paintings on display in my Gallery, please either e-mail me at sales@undazan-art.com or call 01784 409268 (09-00 to 17-30 Mon - Fri).


Telephone : 01784 409268

Email : wonder@undazan-art.com

Sales : sales@undazan-art.com